Why Oil and Gas Industries Should Go Mobile

Why Oil and Gas Industries Should Go Mobile

for blogToday we will continue reviewing a mobile approach in two huge industries such as oil and gas fields. In our last post we discussed abundance of paper usage in both industries and how this problem could be eliminated. But a digital form is not the only solution available to simplify the business process for employees here. There are other powerful features which can be utilized together with electronic forms such as GPS, Web Services Integration, connection with backend systems and etc. In our today’s post we will try to answer the question why oil and gas industries need a custom native app solution and what opportunities can be expected here in the nearest future.

According to the latest rumors concerning mobile solutions for the above industries by 2015, about $168 billion will be spent on enterprise mobile mobile business apps and $8 billion will cover oil and gas industries. That became possible due to the shift from marketing app solutions to enterprise mobile business apps designed to improve internal workflows. Oil and Gas fields are still new to mobility and only 1/3 of the top 50 enterprises have mobile mobile business apps here. That means that their opportunities are great and while most enterprises already get benefits of using custom mobile mobile business apps oil and gas companies still can take advantage of this space.

Here are only some of the obvious pros of mobile mobile business apps:

–  mobile mobile business apps will improve communication between employees and employers

– the productivity will greatly increase due to a quick data delivering and improving customer intimacy

–  they will save much time and money spent on paper and connection

–  they will allow to compete with industries which already use mobile mobile business apps

– they allow to incorporate benefits of BYOD model (Bring-Your-Own-Device) when each employee can use his own devices at work

–  more

That being said it is clear that all app development expenses will rapidly pay for themselves in spite of high costs of mobile developers. But hiring programmers is not the only way to get an Oil&Gas app. Snappii delivers flexible mobile solutions for most enterprises and oil&gas industries as well. With Snappii it is possible to easily and quickly create iOS and Android mobile business apps that support:

– digital forms


– backend systems integration

– photo and location captures

– custom offline calculators

– fast data collection and its delivering

– more

While there is a big demand for enterprise applications, large companies must not miss a chance to find a way to get them and in this case Snappii seems to be the best option ever. It is surely a big step forward as enterprise mobile mobile business apps can determine the companies’ strategy for the next couple of decades and their popularity and accessibility is still growing. Just think about how mobile mobile business apps can influence your business development and what benefits can be achieved!  Go visit Snappii website today to be in range with prosperous companies regardless what industry you are into.

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