Construction Daily Log
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Still doing daily reports with paper and pencil after work? Snappii’s Construction Daily Log mobile app is the simplest way to create professional daily reports in minutes. This #1 App is used by tens of thousands of construction companies around the world. If you are a Foreman, Superintendent, Project Manager or Owner, download and try this App today.
The app includes contractor details, site information, work performed, subcontractor progress, issues and punch lists, reasons for delays, additional work or change requests, materials purchased and received, labor and travel hours and more. The app captures weather conditions, locations, date and time, amount of labor performed and other field related information anytime from anywhere.
By utilizing the Snappii Construction Daily log mobile app you will have the following benefits:
- Get paid faster
- Improve project documentation
- Increase efficiency. No more lost forms or driving to the office to drop off forms
- Optimize the workflows between field teams and office employees
- Save time and reduce costs
- Eliminate paperwork and lost form
Construction Daily Log app is a convenient and easy-to-use mobile solution that will increase the company’s efficiency, optimize the workflow, reduce costs, and lower deployment risks. Construction Daily Log app is available for free download from Apple and Google Stores.