Take Your Customer Experience to the next Level

Take Your Customer Experience to the next Level

I had a favorite pet store that I frequented to buy my dog food once. The pet store had a punch-card system where if you bought the same food a certain amount of times in a row, you would get a free bag of food after the tenth bag. I’m all for free stuff, so I signed up for it.

The problem was with the way they kept up with it. Whenever I would purchase something at the store, they would pull out a folder overflowing with papers. They would fish around for my name for a few minutes, until they found my specific card, which they then had to sign and stuff it back in the folder.

Not only was it hard for them to maintain, it wasn’t accurate – I never did get to that free eleventh bag.

Back when software was hard to create, this was more acceptable. Phones barely had enough memory to hold a few phone numbers, and developing a software for something like a punch-card system was unheard of.

Times are different. In our modern age, technology is there for us to use – so long as you know how to use it.

Snappii is an app company that has revolutionized the way apps are made in today’s fast paced business world. By developing a platform to create apps, Snappii is able to push out apps much faster, cheaper and efficiently than most other brands out there. With features that include unlimited prototyping, all of the most popular app functions and even HTML5, Snappii might surprise you with what it can do. Contact one of our sales associates today for a quote.

Templates are the bread and butter of Snappii’s DIY platform. And we have some for almost every occasion. If you’re a retail store that is looking to make things a bit more efficient, check out these templates:

Product Catalog

Just like the last app, this one also benefits as a sort of medium between you and your potential customers. Product Catalogs, however, tend to be more on the informative side rather than the persuasive one. If your a company that sells heavy machinery, for example, the product catalog can offer a clean and accessible way for your sales associates to pull up pictures and details about your products. Just by having an app at all you increase your chances of eyeballs on your brand, so it could be an extremely profitable decision for some business owners.


This would have been great for that pet food store I was talking about. The Supermarket template allows you to put your catalog up for sale within the app. Aside from acting as another form of marketing through sending customers exclusive coupons, it also gives customers some additional freedoms that wouldn’t be possible without a mobile app. Customers can pay before-hand and then come pick up their goods when they’re available. Customers can also check if you have an item, and if not, when you will have it.

But most importantly, it gives you a way to communicate with your customers. If a customer notices a problem within the store, the app can act as a way for them to contact the store via a forum. Placing questions in a forum allows others to comment on it, which will give you a sense on the areas that could use work throughout your store.

Most of these apps will be pre-customized so that you can start using them right away. That said, we know a lot of businesses can differ even if they’re in the same sector, so we also give the user access to the app editor so they can customize things themselves. For more information on our form editor, sign up with Snappii and check out the “My Account” page.

Snappii is constantly looking to improve it’s…well…everything. If you have any suggestions for improvements you’d like to see in the site, platform, or anywhere else, let us know.

How do you want to build your App?
Choose a ready-made app template for my business and customize it in WYSIWYG Editor
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From scratch using WYSIWYG Editor
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