Snappii :: virtual machine
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Snappii Virtual Machine

Snappii on Premises TM

Run Snappii virtual appliance behind the firewall
completely on premises
mobile app editor on phone
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Now you can run Snappii as a VM

snappii virtual machine

snappii virtual machine - security Security All the apps that are built using Snappii platform are stored and hosted on customer server. No data goes outside firewall.

snappii virtual machine - security On Premises Work independently from Snappii cloud service and run inside your network hosted on your VMware service.

snappii virtual machine - security Easy of installation and
VMware is used in 95% of companies. Сomfortable to manage by server admins. Updates to VM are completely automated.

snappii virtual machine - scalability Scalability SQL Snappii appliance can support 100's of thousands of apps.

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From scratch using WYSIWYG Editor
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